Art of living teachers Mrs Vasudhaji and Mrs Ashaji along with our trained Navchetna Teachers Anant Deshmukhji, Vijayaji, Umaji conducted this Shibir with full enthusism and heart. Two Navchetna Shibir's were conducted in the this week between 15-18th November 2010.
The 1st course there were about 75 people, but due to there daily course they requested for organizing another course at a different time hence the 1st course was conducted between 4 - 5.30 p.m. and the second course which was requseted by the participants was from 3 - 4.30 p.m. This course was conducted in the temple at Shrinagar and pujari was very helpful. Participants liked the course so much that they themselves organised the second course. The next course starting from Monday Nov 22!
When we informed these participants about Gurudev's visit, they were very much eager to meet Gurudev and attend Satsang with him.
Jai Gurudev,
Nainesh Amin
Art Of Living Faculty
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