Balchetna Shivir was very fulfilling experience. Myself and Nilangi, together conducted this Shivir for Navjeevan Vidyalay, Majiwade, Thane. This school is meant for the under privileged children. Most of these children are rag pickers and support their parents financially as their parents are drug addicts and alcoholics and unable to generate any source of income. Balchetna Shivir is special workshop for the children, where we educate them about health, hygiene, food habits and importance of breath by teaching them Yoga, Pranayam and Meditation. Children love this workshop as they learn while they play, dance and sing. The Shivir went on for 5 days and had a powerful impact on the children. Children broke their shyness, started interacting with the teachers and also practiced cleanliness. They did their homework regularly and enjoyed every session. Children felt touched by the love and attention showered on them. Later when they came for follow-ups, it was found that they were doing their practice everyday. Hope we can educate and train many more children so they all can see brighter tomorrow!
When we conduct such workshops we need many volunteers who are ready to assist and help these children during the workshop. Please write to us if you are interested in joining our team.
Love n Peace..
Shweta Dalvi
Art of Living Faculty
Art of Living Faculty