Inspired by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar, Sneh Sanjeevani Abhiyan is a movement initiated to empower and uplift the under privileged segment of the society.
Sneh Sanjeevani Abhiyan believes in supporting the less privileged people and transforming their lives through spiritual knowledge, educative programmes, training workshops, health and hygiene awareness campaigns and many more enterprising initiatives that will encourage them in their economic, moral and spiritual development.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Bal Chetna Shivir (Majiwade,Thane)

Dear Friends,
Balchetna Shivir was very fulfilling experience. Myself and Nilangi, together conducted this Shivir for Navjeevan Vidyalay, Majiwade, Thane. This school is meant for the under privileged children. Most of these children are rag pickers and support their parents financially as their parents are drug addicts and alcoholics and unable to generate any source of income. Balchetna Shivir is special workshop for the children, where we educate them about health, hygiene, food habits and importance of breath by teaching them Yoga, Pranayam and Meditation. Children love this workshop as they learn while they play, dance and sing. The Shivir went on for 5 days and had a powerful impact on the children. Children broke their shyness, started interacting with the teachers and also practiced cleanliness. They did their homework regularly and enjoyed every session. Children felt touched by the love and attention showered on them. Later when they came for follow-ups, it was found that they were doing their practice everyday. Hope we can educate and train many more children so they all can see brighter tomorrow! 
When we conduct such workshops we need many volunteers who are ready to assist and help these children during the workshop. Please write to us if you are interested in joining our team. 
Love n Peace..
Shweta Dalvi
Art of Living Faculty

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Medical Camp-II (Gandhinagar, Thane)

This time over 200 people participated in the free medical camp and benefited from the opportunity provided by a team of doctors and specials from different fields. Alongside the medical check-up, people also learnt some meditation techniques and pranayams from the Art of Living teachers, to deal with stress and anxiety. There was one female patient who was detected with a serious gynaecological condition and was saved in time. The doctors treated her at the right time and saved her from a bad situation. 
We came across with different types of people and having several problems. One of the biggest problem is of health and hygiene. We are planning to train and educate people through art of living course for taking care of their health and hygiene. 

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Medical Camp-I (Gandhinagar, Thane)

The first medical camp was held at the Samaj Mandir Hall, the camp attracted many people. They were largely benefitted from the diagnosis and treatment provided by the physicians and medical practitioners. Along with medical camps we carried out separate stress relieving sessions using Yoga and Meditation. People got a good taste of mental peace, calmness and relief, as they learnt and practiced meditation, breathing techniques, pranayams and yoga asanas.  A lot of children were present in the camp. An impromptu games, children yoga and meditation was conducted for them. The children were very happy and they learnt and did all the yogasanas with zeal and enthusiasm. This was our first experience of organizing medical camp. We got lot of learnings but at the same time so much fulfillment that we could touch at least some people. Our journey has just started...